West Coast Neuropsychology
Dr. Catherine J. Ward, PsyD, QME
Licensed Psychologist
Clinical & Forensic Neuropsychologist (Pediatric, Adult, Geriatric)
Qualified Medical Evaluator
3200 4th Ave, Ste 100 San Diego, CA 92103
365 Rancho Santa Fe Rd #103 San Marcos, CA 92078
25495 Medical Center Dr, Murrieta, CA 92562
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Catherine J. Ward, PsyD, QME
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Clinical, Civil, & Forensic Neuropsychologist
Qualified Medical Evaluator - CA Division of Workers' Compensation
VA Psychologist License # 0810004462 (expired)
CA Psychology License #30926
(619) 293-3994
Board-Eligible, Houston Guideline Fellowship-Trained clinical and forensic Neuropsychologist with over 15 years of experience in active forensic and clinical practice assessing patients with brain injuries, cognition and mood secondary to brain injuries, neurological and other medical issues, as well as psychological functioning for patients ranging from 3-103 years old.
Training program developer for 2-year Houston Guideline Neuropsychology Fellowship, APPIC certified Pre-Doctoral Clinical Psychology Internship, graduate and undergraduate clinical and neuropsychology externship program, as well as practicum director for those studying clinical neuropsychology, medical psychology, developmental psychology, pediatric neuropsychology, behavioral psychology, and forensics.
A nationally recognized expert in civil, criminal, military, and other courts for brain function, psychology, risk, and future needs.
Consulting neuropsychologist for 10 years to multiple federal/state agencies, inpatient physical rehabilitation and inpatient psychiatric hospitals, acute medical hospitals, and assisted living facilities.
College-level educator regarding neuropsychology, psychopharmacology, forensic psychology, assessment, and neuroscience.
Identified expert and “Friend of the Court” in the memory, interviewing, malingering/effort/false reporting, executive functioning, developmental delay, and needs of persons receiving services under the Lanterman Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Qualified Medical Evaluator for the Division of Workers’ Compensation.
Clinical & Forensic Neuropsychologist - Pediatric, Adolescent, Adult, & Geriatric
May 2018 – Present West Coast Neuropsychology San Diego County, CA & Nationwide
Expert witness, qualified/accepted medical evaluator, and treating provider for neuropsychological and psychological functioning (e.g., memory, concussion/brain injury, complexity of neurological/medical conditions, psychological functioning complexities, development, learning, pediatric issues).
Conduct evaluations of criminal and civil competence, ability to waive Miranda, risk for recidivism, autism, developmental delay, dementia, criminal intent, brain function, etc.
Conduct opioid pain management evaluations and spinal cord stimulator placement screenings. Neurofeedback and sensory exposure therapy are provided as needed.
Preparation for trial and deposition services, consultation on cases, 3D or other modeling provided if needed.
Conduct evaluations for military members assessing TBI, PTSD, and other post-deployment or service issues.
Educational support and free training to physicians, legal teams, schools, the community, and families.
Neuropsychologist - Adult & Geriatric
July 2023 - Present Liberty HealthCare Inc
San Diego, Riverside, San Bernadino Counties, CA
Expert witness and evaluator to provide competence re-evaluations for those who were already deemed incompetent to stand trial and are currently involved in a competence training program and/or psychiatric treatment facility for stabilization.
Forensic Evaluator & ADA Compliance Evaluator - Adolescent, Adult & Geriatric
Nov 2021 - May 2022 Wellpath Statewide
Conduct various evaluations on incarcerated persons who were identified as potentially having one or more developmental and/or cognitive disabilities, which may qualify them for services under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Develop support plans based on the Americans with Disabilities Act for each person, as it applies.
Lead Neuropsychologist - Adolescent and Adult
November 2021 - April 2022 Foresight Mental Health, Inc Nationwide
Modified and brought the neuropsychology program into compliance and improved outcomes.
Created a training program for neuropsychologists and clinical staff regarding ethics, testing skills, and interpretation, and provided consultation as needed.
Clinical Neuropsychologist - Pediatrics
September 2020 – May 2021 West Neurobehavioral Services, LLC Rancho Bernardo, CA
Conducted assessments evaluating developmental delay, autism, learning disabilities, mood, and cognitive functioning for clients four years old to 45 years old.
Forensic Psychologist / Neuropsychologist - Adult & Geriatric
May 2019 – May 2021 Liberty HealthCare, Inc. Statewide
Conducted cognitive, psychological, and neuropsychological risk assessments for the Department of State Hospitals. Patients were residing at Porterville Developmental Center with the plan to transition from long-term institutionalization back to the community, but clients were deemed “too dangerous to be in society.”
Forensic Neuropsychologist / Psychologist - Adult & Geriatric
June 2018 – April 2020 The Columbus Organization, Inc Tri-Counties, CA
Consulting forensic psychologist to the Tri-Counties Regional Center providing education to staff, family, and providers on cognitive needs and deficits of clients in the court system.
Conducted risk assessments for elopement, sexual and violent predatory behaviors, competence to stand trial, and other court-requested assessments including those for persons with developmental delay.
Expert witness when called upon as “friend of the court.”
Provided gratis education and training to local law enforcement and legal teams regarding cognitive impacts on behavior and other psycho-legal topics.
Clinical & Forensic Neuropsychologist / Psychologist - Pediatric, Adolescent, Adult, Seniors
Oct 2011- June 2018 Neuropsychology & Complementary Medicine Fredericksburg, VA
Forensic Division:
Conducted assessments for prosecution/defense/court including risk, diversion dockets (mental health, developmental delay, veteran), capacity, mental status, veracity of guilt admission/report, and psychological and neuropsychological functioning.
Consultant to the court and attorneys to assist in preparation for trial, case review, and additional medical and technical research. Evaluations were conducted in-office and while detained.
Clinical Division:
Conducted independent medical evaluations, capacity evaluations, and clinical evaluations (e.g., concussion, mood, return to duty/work/play, post-traumatic stress, bariatric pre-surgical clearance, opioid management, personality disorders, and malingering) concerning personal injury cases and workman’s compensation.
Training Division:
Developed a pre/post-doctoral training program including pre-doctoral clinical psychology internship, externships, practicum, and post-doctoral fellowship consistent with board certification for neuropsychology, medical psychology, behavioral psychology, pediatric neuropsychology & psychology, and forensics. Provided didactics, training, onsite supervision, and compliance with required documentation for schools and other entities.
Aug 2010 – Aug 2012 Houston Guideline Approved Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Neuropsychology w/Forensics subspecialty
Superior Court of the District of Columbia | Washington DC
HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital | Fredericksburg, VA
Washington Medical Group | Washington, DC
Aug 2009- Aug 2010 Pre-Doctoral Internship
Mid-Atlantic Internship Consortium
Washington Medical Group & Rehabilitation Center
Aug 2006 – Aug 2009 PsyD Clinical Psychology
Argosy University – Northern VA Campus | Washington DC
Aug 2006 – Aug 2009 MA Clinical Psychology
Argosy University – Northern VA Campus | Washington DC
Sept 1995 – Oct 1998 MEd Guidance & Counseling
City University of Seattle – Bellevue Campus | Bellevue, WA
Eye Movement and Desensitization Reprocessing PESI Certification. 2020
Cultural Aspects of Forensic Psychology Evaluations (2019). California Regional Centers.
The Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation (4 days). Presented by John E. Reid & Associates. Northern Virginia Criminal Justice Training Academy. Feb 2018
Assessing Individuals Charged with Sexual Crimes Presented by Dr. Mario J.P. Dennis, Director of Forensic Services, Virginia Center for Behavioral Rehabilitation, through the Institute of Law Psychiatry and Public Policy, Charlottesville, VA. April 2017.
Static-99R – Review of Coding rules for the Static-99R. Presented by Mr. Eric Madsen, M.A., C SOTP, Sex Offender Screening and Assessment Unit, Virginia Department of Corrections at the Institute of Law Psychiatry and Public Policy, Charlottesville, VA. April 26, 2017.
Juvenile & Adult Forensic Evaluation for Competency to Stand Trial and Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity approved by the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services Commissioner, provided through the Institute of Law, Psychiatry, & Public Policy, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. May 2011
Competency Restoration Provider Certification for the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services Commissioner. July 2011
Psychopathy and Risk Assessment (HARE, Static-99, Static-99R) by Adelle Furth, Institute of Law, Psychiatry, & Public Policy, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. April 2011 Advanced Competency Juvenile Restoration Training, presented by Jeanette Duval, LCSW from the Department of Behavioral Health DS Richmond, VA. July 2011
Juvenile Advanced Seminar: Psychiatric Screening and Neuropsychological Testing, at the University of Virginia, Institute of Law, Psychiatry, and Public Policy, Charlottesville, VA. June 17, 2011
Juvenile & Adult Forensic Evaluation: Principles and Practice & Advanced Juvenile Case Presentation for the DBHDS Commissioner – Institute of Law, Psychiatry, & Public Policy, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. May 2-6 2011
Psychopathy, Violence & Risk Assessment, Structured Professional Judgment, HARE PCL90 – presented by Adele Furth at the University of Virginia, Institute of Law, Psychiatry, and Public Policy, Charlottesville, VA. April 2011
Evaluating Individuals Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity – Institute of Law, Psychiatry, & Public Policy, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Dec. 4, 2010
HOSPITAL AFFILIATIONS (Current and/or past)
Mary Washington Medical Center and Affiliates, Fredericksburg, VA
Spotsylvania Regional Medical Center, Fredericksburg, VA
Snowden Community Psychiatric Hospital at Fredericksburg, VA
HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital of Fredericksburg, VA
San Luis Obispo County Medical Reserve Corps
National Register of Health Service Providers
National Academy of Neuropsychology
American Psychological Association
American and International Red Cross
Team Rubicon & Team Red, White, and Blue
Mary Washington Medical Center Neurosciences Center of Excellence, Board of Directors (prior)
Brain Injury Center of Fredericksburg, Board of Directors (prior)
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Aug 2010 – Aug 2012 Neuropsychology & Complementary Med, Inc Aug 2010 - Aug 2012 Washington Medical Group & Rehabilitation Aug 2010 - Aug 2012 HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital Apr 2011 - Aug 2012
Superior Court of the District of Columbia Aug 2010 - Apr 2011
Outpatient: Washington Medical Group & Rehabilitation Center, Washington, DC
Conducted clinical and civil forensic brain injury assessments on adults with medical, neurological, and psychological impairments.
Participated in grand rounds and didactics focused on neuro-medical, medico-legal, and neuropsychiatric topics.
Provided psychological assessment as well as psychotherapy to patients and their families who were diagnosed with depression, PTSD, personality disorders, and anxiety.
Forensic: Superior Court of the District of Columbia, Washington, DC
Conducted court-appointed neuropsychological forensic evaluations for use in determining capacity to stand trial, sexual predator status, mental status/psychological evaluation, psychosexual evaluations, and behavioral prediction and risk.
Inpatient: HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital, Fredericksburg, VA.
Conducted bedside assessments on patients with acute/sub-acute medical and psychiatric disorders.
Provided in-service training for staff focused on cognitive and behavioral interactions, stroke neurophysiology, how culture and age affect rehabilitation and expectations, and detection of effort/malingering.
Grand Rounds & Disorder, Case and Topic Reviews
Neuropsychology, neurosurgery, stroke, medically complex cases, and brain injury case reviews (weekly) at Washington Medical Group and Rehabilitation Center, P.C., & Mary Washington Hospital
Geriatric Neuropsychological Case and Topic Reviews & Grand Rounds (weekly) at HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital, Fredericksburg, VA.
Pediatric-Geriatric Neuropsychological Case and Topic Reviews (intermittent) at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, Brain Injury & Sports Concussion Institute Neurocognitive Assessment Laboratory Department of Psychiatry & Neurobehavioral Science Charlottesville, VA. (Aug 2010- Oct 2011)
Forensic Interviews: The good, the bad, the ugly (weekly) at the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, Washington DC
Neuroanatomical Dissection: Human Brain and Spinal Cord at Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI. July 19-21, 2012
Neurological Disorders – American Academy of Neurology Lecture Series. June 1-30, 2012
Cognitive Neuroscience and Traumatic Brain Injury by the University of California at Berkeley 15 Lectures Series. May 1-30, 2012
Cognitive Rehabilitation & Compensatory Skills Development – Mastering Captains Log – Brain Train, Richmond, VA. May 4-5, 2012
Neurofeedback qEEG – Brain Train, Richmond, VA. Apr 19-21, 2012
Metrowest Neuropsychology Podcast Series. March 1-24, 2012
Neuropsychology and Art: Examining the effects of mental illness and injury on art and using the art itself to form hypotheses about what happens in the brain during the creative process. New York University Lecture Series. February 12, 2012
Suicidality and Prescreening Community Services Board Evaluator Pre-Admission Screener Certification Training – Rappahannock and Rapidan Community Services Board. Oct 5, 2010
Pre-Doctoral Clinical Psychology Intern - Adolescent, Adult, Geriatric
Sept 2009-Aug 2010 Mid-Atlantic Internship Consortium/Washington Medical Group PC
Washington, DC
Conducted full and brief neuropsychological and psychological evaluations and screens.
Conducted biofeedback, neurofeedback, and cognitive rehabilitation for patients with chronic pain, cognitive disorders, and anxiety-related disorders.
Participated in rounds with neurologists, neuropsychologists, and other medical professionals.
Provided psychological assessment as well as psychotherapy to patient families and patients diagnosed with depression, anxiety, personality disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Neuropsychology Psychometrist - Adolescent, Adult, Geriatric
May 2009-Sept 2009 Neuropsychology in Burke Burke, VA
Conducted comprehensive neuropsychological evaluations on children, adolescents, adults, and seniors with ADHD, dementia, traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, etc.
Doctoral Clinical Psychology / Neuropsychology Extern - Adolescent, Adult, Geriatric
July 2008-May 2009 Neuropsychology in Burke Burke, VA
Conducted comprehensive neuropsychological evaluations on adults and seniors with ADHD, dementia, brain injury, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and Axis I & II disorders.
Doctoral Clinical Psychology Extern - Pediatric
May 2008-July 2008 Hospital for Sick Children: HSC Pediatric Center Washington, DC
Administered psychological and developmental assessments for inpatient and outpatient children (2 days to 18 years old).
Provided feedback and short-term therapies for parents regarding diagnoses and grief.
Doctoral Clinical Psychology Extern - Pediatric, Adolescent, Adult, Geriatric
July 2007-May 2008 Fredericksburg Counseling Services Fredericksburg, VA
Conducted educational, psychological, and developmental assessments.
Provided individual therapy for uninsured individuals & families below federal poverty guidelines.
Director of Disability Support Services & Learning Labs
2001-2002 California Lutheran University Thousand Oaks, CA
Oversaw and began the process for University-wide ADA compliance, obtained grant money to develop a software lab for students with various needs, daily review of psychological/neuropsychological reports and applications for university compliance.
Created the first-ever Orientation for Students with Disabilities and their Families
Created the first-ever Disabilities Awareness Day (10/13/2002) including an information fair and speakers:
Keynote speaker Richard Alarcon (Majority whip of State Senate) and SB288 Worker’s Compensation Reform Act for California, will discuss how the bill impacts employers.
Michael Bradbury, former Ventura County District Attorney, and CLU Regents to speak on “Changes in Workman’s Comp and Short–Term Disability Laws”.
Alan Leno, President of Leno and Associates and a member of the National Association of ADA Coordinators Board of Directors, will address issues concerning return–to–work policies in California and how human resource representatives can make the transition smooth for both employees and employers.
Eve Hill, Director of the Western Law Center for Disability Rights discusses employment issues to avoid litigation, hiring practices, and realistic workplace accommodations.
Guidance Counselor & Director (Elementary School, Middle School, High School)
1995-2001 Brevard County School District Melbourne & Palm Bay, FL
Created the first-ever training manual on how to be a guidance counselor, published by the county
Reviewed needs of students with disabilities, exceptionalities, and those were were college and vocational-bound.
Coordinated all state-wide and county testing.
Created from inception, a program for pregnant mothers and their children (e.g., worked with compliance for buildings, bussing, educational requirements, training, staffing, etc)
Assisted with emergencies, training, etc for staff.
In-school therapies were provided, such as parenting courses, working with legal needs, and planning for graduation and compliance.
Adjunct Faculty
Aug 2012 – June 2017 The University of Mary Washington | Department of Psychology Undergraduate Teaching Assignments: Biological Psychology, Psychopharmacology
Adjunct Faculty
Sept 2010 – Oct 2016 Germanna Community College | Department of Social Sciences/Nursing
Undergraduate Teaching Assignments: Development Through the Lifespan
Adjunct Faculty
Aug 2008 – Mar 2011 Kaplan University | Department of Psychology
Undergraduate Teaching Assignments: History & Systems of Psychology, Child & Adolescent Growth and Development, Current Issues in Psychology, Biological Bases of Behavior
Adjunct Faculty
Mar 2005 – 2011 The University of Phoenix Online & Overseas
Graduate & Undergraduate Teaching Assignments: Measurement Evaluation, Ethics in Research, Action Research, Applications of Research, Child and Adolescent Development, Lifespan Development, Cognitive Psychology, Statistics in Psychology, Psychology of Personality, General Psychology, History and Systems in Psychology, Diversity and Cultural Factors in Psychology, Biological Bases of Psychology, Psychological Tests & Measures, and Ethics in Psychology.
Intelligence Instructor/Analyst, Shop Chief and Collections
Apr 2002 – Oct 2002 United States Navy Sarajevo, Bosnia with NATO Allies
Trained and conducted intelligence gathering, interrogation, interviewing, deception detection, and reporting of multi-source intelligence to NATO collections teams & US Special Forces
Military Liaison for US, Turkish & British Embassies
Oct 2001 – Apr 2002 United States Navy İncirlik, Turkey
Liaison to UK, Turkish, and US embassies for intelligence information coordination.
Combat search and rescue intelligence coordinator.
Evaluated, screened, and provided all-source intelligence data between national-level assets and local authorities.
Intelligence Specialist, Second Class
Mar 1999 – Jan 2004 United States Naval Reserve Jacksonville & Miami, FL
Information gathering for drug interdiction and counter-terrorism assignments.
Intelligence analysis aboard the USS Coronado for battle group certification before Middle East deployments.
Collaborated with the Defense Intelligence Agency for collection training.
Principal Researcher
2021-Present Concussion and effects on the ability on the capacity of decisionmaking.
2020 - Present Soft signs of concussion and long-term quality of life outcomes with and without treatment. Retrospective study.
Poster Session
October 2014 Case Study: Neuropsychological Outcomes for a 4.1 megabase deletion of 3q22.1-3q22.3 in One of Two Identified Patients in the World (submitted for publication – Poster Presentation at National Academy of Neuropsychology Convention, San Diego.
2009 – 2010 Title: Mind-body Intervention Pilot Study with Obese and Overweight Women. Longitudinal pilot study comparing effects of two mind-body interventions. Committee: Lisa Lilenfeld, PhD [Chair] & George Stricker, PhD
Student Reviewer
2007 – 2008 Journal of Pediatric Psychology Reviewed articles addressing various pediatric issues including parent and child sleep problems, the needs of supportive families when a child is hospitalized, interventions for families when addressing medical and sleep problems, and child sleep patterns affecting chronic medical and psychological conditions. Supervisor: Lisa Meltzer, PhD
Research Assistant
2006 – 2007 American School of Professional Psychology, Argosy University Data collection/statistics and interpretation for identifying successful pre-determinants in cultural competence in clinical psychology programs.
California Society of Industrial Medicine and Surgery
Brain Injury Signs and Symptoms. (08/2023)
Commercial Attorneys of San Diego (CASD)
Neuropsychology for Legal Teams (10/2022)
San Diego Public Defender’s Office & Web to the State
Neuropsychology & Criminal Cases. (07/2022)
San Diego Injury Network.
Soft signs of concussion are often unnoticed but have longer-term quality-of-life implications. (2022)
Mary Washington Hospital Community Outreach through Neuroscience Center of Excellence.
Coping with brain health and decline. (05/2018)
Brain Injury Association of Virginia Annual Conference. March 2017
Brain Injury & Family Systems: Reality of TBI, Family Adjustments, and Self-Care?
Emergency Room and First Responders National Training Program.
TBI: Mild to Severe: Injury, testing, expectations. March 2013.
HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital. July, August, September, and October 2012.
Cognitive and Emotional Sequelae Secondary to Stroke.
Neurosciences Center of Excellence. July 2012.
Montreal Cognitive Assessment: Research and Practical Uses.
Hydrocephalus Support Group. Fredericksburg, Virginia. September 17, 2011.
Cognitive, Emotional, and Behavioral Impacts and Outlook of Hydrocephalus.
Mary Washington Medical Center, Grand Rounds. April 2015
Neuropsychology and Brain Injury: How do medical and psychiatric providers collaborate?